Sistem Informasi Bantuan Perumahan (SIBARU) functions as the main portal for housing assistance management at the Direktorat Jenderal Perumahan
Sistem Informasi Bantuan Perumahan (SIBARU) functions as the main portal for housing assistance management at the Direktorat Jenderal Perumahan, all aid proposals housing addressed to KEMENPUPR must input to the SIBARU application.
In addition, SIBARU applications are interrelated and must be integrated with several proposed data management applications in the technical directorate at environtment of Direktorat Jenderal Perumahan such as SIRUSUN (owned by Direktorat Rumah Khusus), e-RLTH (owned by Direktorat Rumah Swadaya), and PSUN Online verification application belong to Direktorat Rumah Umum dan Komersial).
Not only that, SIBARU also mutual related nad integrated with several applications at the level of KEMENPUPR such as i-Emon owned by Bito PKALN Sekretariat Jenderal KEMENPUPR), and others. For this reason, it needs to continue to be done continuous development to improve the system, add features, as well interoperability with the applications mentioned.
The implementation of the website SIBARU features
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